Shellzone Antifreeze is a superior quality, single phase, ethylene glycol based antifreeze. It is a low silicate, all-purpose coolant designed for use in both automotive and heavy duty diesel engines (with the use of SCA’s). Shellzone Antifreeze Prediluted 50/50 is a 50/50 volume mixture of Shellzone Antifreeze with deionized water.
Shellzone Antifreeze is specially formulated to meet the stringent aluminum corrosion protection requirements of today’s automotive engines. Because of its low concentration of silicate, it also complies with Cummins and other heavy-duty diesel engine manufacturer’s silicate requirements. This product is also suitable for use in industrial internal combustion engines where an antifreeze/coolant is required to provide protection against freezing, boil over, and corrosion.
Features and Benefits Shellzone Antifreeze provides the following qualities:
- Universal formula for both automotive and heavy duty diesel engines (ASTM D 3306 and ASTMD4985)
- Excellent heat transfer properties
- Superior anti-foam characteristics
- Superior corrosion protection for aluminum, brass, copper, solder, steel and cast iron
- Low silicate formulation
- Nitrite-free, amine-free and borax-free
- Concentrate mixes readily with clean tap water
- Pre-diluted product is ready to use and requires no mixing for top-up and initial fill
- Compatible with cooling system filters
- Compatible with heavy duty diesel supplemental coolant additives
- Compatible with conventional brands of coolant
- 100% biodegradable in its pure unused form (1) Approvals and Recommendations Shellzone Antifreeze meets:
- ASTM D 3306 for automotive service
- ASTM D 4985 for heavy duty diesel service (2) Shellzone Antifreeze Prediluted 50/50 meets:
- ASTM D 4656 for pre-blend automotive service
- ASTM D 5345 for pre-blend heavy duty diesel service.